Jan. 11, 2022

HARRISBURG – Rep. Barry Jozwiak (R-Berks) announced today that the House unanimously approved his bill to address the efficiency and timeliness at which patients would receive their diagnostic imaging results from their health care provider. 

Currently, the Patient Test Result Information Act (Act 112 of 2018) requires imaging entities to directly notify the patient if the test results indicate significant abnormalities. With consistent conflicting interpretations of the law's applicability, Jozwiak’s House Bill 1280 would amend the law with the following clarifications:

Remove the definition of “significant abnormality.”
Require diagnostic imaging entities to provide patients with written notice at the time of ANY imaging service. The notice shall state that the results of the test(s) will be sent to the ordering health care practitioner. If the ordering practitioner doesn’t reach out within 21 days or the electronic health records haven’t been updated, it is recommended that the patient follow up with the practitioner to discuss the results.

“Due to the vagueness of the criteria for ‘significant abnormality’ in relation to diagnostic imaging and the lack of familiarity between the imaging interpreter and patients, often times doctors chose the safer route when informing patients of the findings in their images,” said Jozwiak. “This involves sending a fairly ominous letter to the patient(s) indicating that the patient’s test results showed ‘significant abnormalities’ when that patient’s test really did not indicate a clinical change for them. This then unfortunately leads to unintended consequences of undue patient anxiety and stress – and often further testing. The goal of my legislation is to prevent patients from unnecessary anxiety and additional testing as well as improve patients’ understanding of potential health issues after their doctor can appropriately interpret and explain the test results.”

House Bill 1280 now goes to the Senate for consideration.

Representative Barry Jozwiak
5th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Dan Massing
RepJozwiak.com / Facebook.com/RepJozwiak
